Where to buy?
Distributor for the Middle East
Wilibox is a distributor of LigoWave equipment for the Middle East market.Store Address:
PO Box 120433,
Warehouse # 19, roundabout # 7
Jabel Ali, Dubai, UAE
Telephone +971 4 3524865
E-mail: sales.me@wilibox.com
Authorized reseller Egypt
Head OfficeTanta, Egypt
Tel: +2 012 247 9073
E-mail: info@digitaltik.com
Website: www.digitaltik.com
Authorized reseller in Israel
Westicom Ltd
Qela Alon
Tel : +972 4 980 2808
E-mail : sales@westicom.com
Website: www.westicom.com
Authorized reseller Pakistan
NETPAC (Networking & Business Communication)
Head Office
Suite 9-9A,71-72
1st Floor Hafeez Center Gulberg 111
Tel: 92-35714931-2
Email: sale@netpac.com.pk
Website: www.netpac.com.pk
Authorized reseller Saudi Arabia
Head OfficeJeddah, Alwaleed Center for Commercial
P.O. Box 10142 Makkah 21955
Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966 26577055
E-mail : info@wifi-wimax.com.sa
Website: www.wifi-wimax.com.sa
For other countries in this region please contact
Jonas Sabaliauskas Jr.Saulėtekio al. 15, 610
Vilnius, LT-10224
Tel: +370 604 03528
E-mail: jonas.jr@deliberant.net
We are actively looking for resellers around the world to have a better regional coverage for our products.
If you are interested in becoming an authorized deliberant reseller please contact: